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Residual Sugar Reagent Kit Test for Residual Sugar using your Vinmetrica SC-200 or SC-300. This item cannot be ordered online.
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Even though this shows out of stock at our warehouse, we expect this item to be available on Dec/12/2014. Part #: SC-RS-1

The Vinmetrica Residual Sugar Reagent Kit

The Vinmetrica Residual Sugar Reagent Kit gives accurate and reliable residual sugar (glucose + fructose) concentration levels in both red and white wines and other samples. The kit includes all the reagents needed to perform 10* residual sugar tests (plus one standard and one blank): the buffers, standard and enzymatic powders. The Kit is capable of performing 22** total Residual Sugar Assays if you purchase additional Plastic Reaction Vials (Part Number: RS-8). Additional sets can be purchased at any time.
*Ten Residual Sugar Assays can be performed using the plastic reaction vials provided in the kit; you will also need to run one standard and one blank in the same bottles. Twelve bottles are provided in the kit for this purpose.
**All 22 tests must be performed at once. A blank reading and a standard reading will need to be read every time a residual sugar test is performed. The minimum amount of tests you will be able to perform is 8; the maximum is 22. Refer to manual for further explanation.

A Simple Addition to Your SC Series Testing Device

The all-new Residual Sugar Reagent Kit from Vinmetrica is the perfect add-on to your SC Series device. The reagents work with the equipment you already have! The Residual Sugar assay can be performed with the SC-200 and SC-300 devices. With the pH electrode, the Residual Sugar assay aids the winemaker in the determination of glucose + fructose in wine. The accuracy of the SC Series devices carries over into the functionality and reliability of the Residual Sugar Reagent Kit. No more fancy lab equipment necessary for testing Residual Sugar. With the use of this simple set of reagents, the Residual Sugar Reagent Kit gives you fool-proof readings down to 300 mg/L or +/- 10% of the value of residual sugar in your wine. Because you are not required to buy another piece of expensive lab equipment, the Reagent Set saves you time and money!
The Complete Residual Sugar Reagent Kit

Includes everything needed to measure residual sugar (glucose + fructose) in your aging wines:
Buffer Solution
Reaction Solution
24 Enzymatic Powder Vials
Standard Solution
Diluent Solution
Residual Sugar Assay Manual
NOTE: You will need an SC-200 or SC-300 pH analyzer (or equivalent pH meter) in order to perform the Residual Sugar Assay. Please visit our products page for more information regarding ordering. Both SC series analyzers will provide the same accuracy.
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