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SC-50 Malolactic Probe

Testing for ML just got easier!

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Part #: SC-50

User Manual - Vinmetrica SC-50 MLF Analyzer
Vinmetrica Wine Analyzers

The Vinmetrica SC-50 MLF Analyzer Kit
The Vinmetrica SC-50 MLF Analyzer gives accurate and reliable malic acid concentration levels in wine for detecting the end of malolactic fermentation (MLF). The kit includes everything to perform 5 malic acid concentration tests: all vials, pipettes, a conical tube and beaker. Additional tests can be purchased at any time.
Vinmetrica SC-50-100-300_Data_Sheet  Malic Meter Manual

A Great Addition to Your SC Series Testing Device

The all-new SC-50 MLF Analyzer from Vinmetrica is the perfect add-on to your SC Series device. The MLF analyzer works with the original SC-100 device, the SC-100A and SC-300 devices. Through a simple BNC attachment on the top of your existing device, the MLF analyzer is able to aid the winemaker in the determination of malic acid levels in wine. The accuracy of the SC Series devices carries over into the functionality and reliability of the MLF Analyzer. With its easy to use vial insertion assembly, the MLF Analyzer gives you fool-proof readings down to 0.1g/L accuracy. Because it does not require any fancy, expensive lab equipment, the SC-50 MLF analyzer eliminates the need for paper chromatography – and it saves you time too!
NOTE: You will need an original Vinmetrica SC-100 device, SC-100A or SC-300 SO2 analyzer in order to use the SC-50 MLF analyzer. Please visit our products page for more information regarding ordering. (The SC-100 has been discontinued and has been upgraded to the SC-100A). Both SC series analyzers will provide the same accuracy.

A Quick Overview

The Vinmetrica SC-50 MLF Analyzer measures the pressure given off by the same MLF reaction that you use in your wine. When malic acid is present, carbon dioxide (CO2) is evolved and detected as pressure.
1. Attach the MLF Analyzer to your SC Series SO2 Analyzer
2. Add 5 drops of Boost Juice to wine sample; mix.
3. Place 2 mL of wine sample in a reaction vial and cap, mix thoroughly.
4. Allow the reaction vial to incubate for 15 – 30 minutes mixing gently occasionally.
5. Initialize the MLF Analyzer and take CO2 pressure reading using the vial insertion assembly
The SC-series device signals whether or not MLF is done! Precise malic acid levels can also be done if desired.

For more details about operation and running the Vinmetrica MLF Analyzer

Vinmetrica MLF Analyzer Video


Accurately assesses end of MLF at 0.4 g/L malic acid. Capable of detecting 0.1 g/L malic acid
Affordable: About $ 3 per test or less.
Fast: results in 15 – 30 minutes. Able to run multiple tests at once

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