No one knows the transportation of fresh products better than us. Wine Grape has established a strong logistical network consisting of reliable shipping resources. Our clients benefit from the over twenty years of experience in the movement of product from Point A to Point B.
Musto has a variety of shipping methods available. No matter the order, whether fresh product or winemaking supplies, and no matter the size, whether a carboy, a 1000L tank, a truckload of grapes, or a tanker full of juice, Musto prides itself on providing a shipping method that is both cost effective and efficient.
Musto has the ability to ship full truck loads, Less-than-Load (LTL), refrigerated or dry, by air, by common carrier, and by tanker.
Please contact us for freight pricing by filling out the contact sheet below. Thank you for the opportunity to quote you. We look forward to speaking with you!